$2.5 Million Tiny Business in 2-3 Hours a Day

List buildingJustin Welsh helped build two companies past a $1B valuation and raise over $300M in venture capital.

Then in 2019, he burned out. That’s when he and his wife quit their high-paying jobs and completely redesigned their lives. Justin now runs a one-person business that teaches creators how to identify, develop and monetize skills they already have, on the internet.

That’s right – he essentially teaches online marketing.

And he’s also an angel investor and a mentor to entrepreneurs.

Justin built his business by writing a few short posts on LinkedIn every day. He’s not interested in fame, in being an influencer, in making hundreds of millions of dollars a year, in taking selfies or in driving a Lambo.

All he wants to do is build a tiny online business that he can create his lifestyle around, optimizing his day for freedom rather than status or being rich. He automizes everything possible, keeps his appointments to a minimum, and focuses on meeting cool people instead of people who can do something for him.

Justin avoids politics, doesn’t watch the news, doesn’t have cable TV and avoids anger. When someone tries to debate him in the comment section of posts, he walks away. He hates hype, clickbait, big egos and drama.

He does something he enjoys for a few hours a week so that the rest of his time he can do whatever he wants. He’s not into alarm clocks, hustle or success habits.

He’s one chill dude doing business and living life on his terms.

The other day in his newsletter he shared his, “8 Questions to Transform Your Week.” These are the questions he asks himself when he conducts his weekly preview.

1: What can I remove from my calendar?

2: What’s on my calendar that can be automated?

3: What’s something that should be delegated but isn’t?

4: Is there anything on my calendar that isn’t urgent and important?

5: Can any important meetings be 50% shorter?

6: How can I get off the computer more?

7: How can I maximize fun time?

8: Is there anything missing?

To read more on each of these, just follow this link. And if you’re interested, I encourage you to subscribe to his weekly newsletter, too.



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